the contest is presented by YRF Merchandise
Yes, it's true. YRF Merchandise is back with an exciting contest for all our fans and this time
its even more exciting. The only thing you have to do is share your photos in Jab Tak Hai Jaan pose
and get as many likes for your pictures as you can.
Below are some steps that would help you win one of these exclusive Jab Tak Hai Jaan diaries:
Ø To participate in the contest follow @YRFMerchandise on Twitter and like YRF Merchandise page on Facebook.
Ø Share as many pictures of you and your loved ones in any of your favourite JTHJ pose with us as you can.
Ø Share your pictures on YRFMerchandise@gmail.com with your name.
ØWe will upload few selected pictures on YRF Merchandise Facebook page in an album named JTHJ Contest.
Ø Find your picture in this album and get your friends to 'LIKE' your #JTHJContest picture.
Ø At the end of the contest, we will select five lucky winners with maximum likes on their JTHJ contest picture and
share their photos on our Facebook and Twitter page.
P.S. To win exclusive Jab Tak Hai Jaan diaries you also have to be active in answering our JTHJ questions on Twitter with #JTHJContest.
YRFMerchandise fb page
FMerchandise twitter page
participate now link is bellow
participate here
the contest is posted by abhishek