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Meet Minissha Lamba Contest win a chance to meet minissha lamba

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 9/30/2012 07:14:00 pm

the contest is presented by Fujifilm India

16th october could be the day you meet minisha lamba

shoot a fabulous protfolio for someone in your life -family,friend,colleague

yourprotfolio must include the following
a photo shoot in the out door ,face close up,black and white and a night shot

use your imagination and your creativity to attrack them

the best portfolio gets you the chance along with one lucky person you choose to meet minissha

the contest is on from 25th september to 5th october

send your enrties to their email id

get the id from bellow link
 participate here
(skip the ad)
like their facebook fan page before you participate

like us on Facebook and get update with our twitter feed tell about our blog to your friend share this post on your wall help your friends to participate in the contest and help we people too

This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 9/30/2012 07:14:00 pm
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