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Home » » Guess and Win Contest

Guess and Win Contest

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 9/07/2012 10:36:00 pm

the contest is presented by Johareez

Guess the MRP of these beautiful earrings and make them yours as reward of the first correct guess of MRP.
Terms and Conditions are given below.
• There is one guess per person and please g
uess the MRP.

• Additionally, if the guess is in any other currency than Rupee, please mention accordingly.

• The product is listed on our site as well. Please refrain from using the price mentioned on the site, as it is not the MRP of the product.

• In case of two or more guesses with the same value, the first guess would be the winner.

• In case of two or more guesses in the same error margin, the winner will be chosen by lucky draw

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This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 9/07/2012 10:36:00 pm
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