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Home » , , , » Royal Challenge Fan based Fair Play Award win reebok Rs.1000 vouchers

Royal Challenge Fan based Fair Play Award win reebok Rs.1000 vouchers

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 5/08/2012 08:46:00 pm

 Royal Challenge, the Official Umpire Partner of DLF IPL 2012, gives the fans a chance to award points to the teams based on the Fair Play. 

Here is how you can award points to the teams:

1. Click on each individual links on their page  to award points to a particular team
2. You can change the points given to the teams at any point of time during the tournament
3. Last date for awarding points to the team / editing the points will be 20th May, 2012

Please remember - 1 indicates low on fairness and 10 indicates high on fairness; it is desirable for a team to get higher points

they will be picking 5 weekly winners through lucky drawsThe winners will receive Rs.1000 worth Reebok Vouchers.

top participate in this and for more information go here

before participating be a fan of RCB link

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This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 5/08/2012 08:46:00 pm
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