the contest is presented by Huawei India
Answer the question by referring to website.
Q.On which Version Android Dose The Next 6p Run?
Next question comes tomorrow
The New Nexus Quiz
The contest is valid only for answers posted within the same day. Any answer posted after the mentioned duration will not be valid.
Winners will be announced in this page one week after the contest closes. No other intimation will be released. In case, the details (like delivery address, City, State, PIN Code and other mandatory details) are incomplete or inaccurate, the winner may be disqualified to proceed.
3 participants with the correct answers will be randomly chosen by Huawei as the winners.
The winners will be awarded with Huawei Datacards.
Huawei reserves the right to change the winner in certain cases where the selection has been erroneous. Huawei also reserves the right to change the prize.
Strict actions will be taken against non winners claiming the prize.
Any Huawei employee or a person who is in direct relation to a Huawei employee is not eligible to participate in the contest. Only those participants of Indian nationality and have permanent address in India will be considered valid for the contest.
Huawei reserves the right to cease the campaign at any time without giving prior information, modify terms of participation and campaign and disqualify any participant without obligation of explanation.
Huawei is not liable for any explicit content posted in the comments. Any explicit content posted in the comments section or the registration form will get immediately disqualified & reported to the concerned authorities.
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general instruction :
1.In order to participate in any of the(Facebook) contest you must be a fan of that page so like the page before you participate
2.participation is completely free .if any cost is there we will clearly mention .
3.the contest is limited only to India .in some case where the contest is limited to certain cities we will mention .
4.the contest is not sponsored by contest mantra