the contest is presented by Mymariegold
Win Daily Free Apple iPhone 6 Gold with Britannia Marie Gold
Participant can enter the contest maximum 5 times only, per day from a mobile number either through SMS or WEB. To participate in the Contest, customers have to send an SMS to 56767 and follow the instruction to complete the participation: SMS route for Rest of IndiaAs a first step, Participants are required to send an SMS with the keyword 'MARIEGOLD' followed by the Lot Number printed on the pack to 56767 from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone. e.g. SMS MARIEGOLD B1015438 to 56767. After sending the SMS, Participant will get SMS with reference to the contest.Last Date : 3rd October 2015.
Participants will be chosen each day between midnight of previous day to midnight of current day (12 am to 11.59pm) during the Contest Period. Participants will be chosen through a computerized, scientific random selection by BIL or the Agency appointed by BIL. There will be one I-PHONE to be won daily during the Contest period.
participate here
the contest is shared by abhi on our facebook contest sharing tab too can share contest visit here
general instruction :
1.In order to participate in any of the(Facebook) contest you must be a fan of that page so like the page before you participate
2.participation is completely free .if any cost is there we will clearly mention .
3.the contest is limited only to India .in some case where the contest is limited to certain cities we will mention .
4.the contest is not sponsored by contest mantra