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#CrashThePepsiIPL contest win Rs.1 Lakh and your ad will aired during Pepsi IPL

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 4/08/2015 09:29:00 pm

the contest is presented by Pepsi

Pepsi challenges you to crash Pepsi IPL by making a 30 second Pepsi ad
that we will air during Pepsi IPL. Show your love for Pepsi! Make it fun. Make it epic.
Make it uniquely Pepsi! Cos if it’s good, we will yank off our ad and air yours on TV during Pepsi IPL.


Judges will evaluate each entry according to the following criteria:
.Originality and creativity .Adherence to creative assignment
Out of these Finalists, our Jury will pick the best of the lot.

Voting deadline extended till May 15th.

Send now and stand a chance to win RS.1 Lakh

participate here

the contest is shared by abhi on our facebook contest sharing tab too can share contest visit here

general instruction :
1.In order to participate in any of the(Facebook) contest you must be a fan of that page so like the page before you participate
2.participation is completely free .if any cost is there we will clearly mention .
3.the contest is limited only to India .in some case where the contest is limited to certain cities we will mention .
4.the contest is not sponsored by contest mantra
This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 4/08/2015 09:29:00 pm
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