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Share Happiness Contest win exciting gifts

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 11/25/2013 07:38:00 pm

the contest is presented by Fotoflock by Epson
Share your unique happy moments with Fotoflock, telling them why it is special for you. Follow these simple rules to validate your entry
  1. The images posted have to be original. Any plagiarized entry will be disqualified.
  2. The images have to be posted only on the Fotoflock Facebook page (, Fotoflock Twitter page (@fotoflock) and Fotoflock website (
  3. Make sure you mention Epson (@IndiaEpson) and Fotoflock (@fotoflock) along with #uniquemomentofhappiness on Twitter to validate your entry.
  4. #uniquemomentofhappiness and tag Epson (  while you post images on Fotoflock ( Facebook page.
  5. Multiple entries are not allowed.
  6. Top 20 pictures will be selected by our panel of judges and put up for voting.
  7. Picture with maximum votes would be judged at the end of the voting period by the Fotoflock Team.
participate here

the contest is shared by akash on our facebook contest sharing tab too can share contest visit here

general instruction :
1.In order to participate in any of the(Facebook) contest you must be a fan of that page so like the page before you participate
2.participation is completely free .if any cost is there we will clearly mention .
3.the contest is limited only to India .in some case where the contest is limited to certain cities we will mention .
4.the contest is not sponsored by contest mantra
This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 11/25/2013 07:38:00 pm
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