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Home » , » (only for active subscribers of Vodafone services)Vodafone contest Win a Ride with Lewis Hamilton

(only for active subscribers of Vodafone services)Vodafone contest Win a Ride with Lewis Hamilton

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 9/08/2012 07:52:00 pm

the contest is presented by Vodafone Zoozoos
contest only for active subscribers of Vodafone services
Take a simple quiz
write a witty answer to the question,
and you could just win a seat right next to Lewis - as he takes you
on a hot lap on 16 September, 2012.
read terms and condition (highly recommended ) 
The Prize will be one “Hot Lap” with Lewis Hamilton on the 16th of September 2012 i.e. a ride accompanied by Lewis Hamilton on the 16th of September at an event organized by Vodafone India in Mumbai.
The winners shall bear the cost and incidental expenses of traveling from their respective locations to the venue as may be required by Vodafone India. 
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This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 9/08/2012 07:52:00 pm
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