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Apna way of life contest win Suzuki GS150R bike and Suzuki branded merchandise

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 4/08/2012 07:22:00 pm

 the contest is present by Suzuki Motorcycle India
  • Facebook users (called “Participant”) will be asked to “Like” the page to be able to participate in the contest.
  • Agree to Terms & Conditions and click to continue.
  • Provide your Mobile phone number for contact in case of winning.
  • Upload an image of your choice, best depicting “Apna Way of Life”. These could be pictures about ‘Indian-ness in everyday things‘ or ‘Slice of Life’. Usually uploading your own picture depicting ‘Your Way of Life’ would become more popular.
  • Create a Title & Story for the photograph in not more than 50 words.
  • Participant should ask for maximum votes on his Photograph for winning the mega prize.
  • Participant can also share his participation with his network to win one-time 50 bonus points.
  • 6 Lucky winners will be announced on weekly basis. The winners receive Suzuki branded merchandise.
  • 1 Grand winner with highest number of votes will win
    Suzuki GS150R bike.

to participate in the contest and win Suzuki GS150R bike and Suzuki branded merchandise
first like the fb page and
Upload an image of your choice, best depicting “Apna Way of Life”. These could be pictures about ‘Indian-ness in everyday things‘ or ‘Slice of Life’.
Create a Title & Story for the photograph in not more than 50 words and don't forget to share with your friends
contest link
This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 4/08/2012 07:22:00 pm