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participate in nokia contest win Nokia Lumia 710

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 3/26/2012 06:52:00 pm

The Contest begins on 13/03/2012 at 12:00 p.m. GMT and ends on 27/03/2012 at 18:00 p.m GMT

For a chance to win a Nokia Lumia 710, simply select your favourite Nokia Lumia 710 design from the range displayed. Once you have done this, simply enter your name, email address and any other required details into the “Enter Now To Win!” field. Hit “Enter” to submit your entry.

What is the prize?

The winner/winners of the Contest will receive a global variant of the Nokia Lumia 710 smartphone

how will they select winner?

The winner/winners of the Contest will be determined by chance. 5 winners will be picked at random as the recipients of a Nokia Lumia 710 smartphone.

All entries will be judged after the competition and winners will be contacted by 03/04/2012

want to participate in the contest link
This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 3/26/2012 06:52:00 pm