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Participate In Nestle Milkmaid Friday (13 January 2012) Freebie Contest And Win Milkmaid Goodies

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 1/13/2012 11:28:00 am

This Friday give right answer  and a chance to win MILKMAID goodies.
Nestle Milkmaid organizes a contest every friday. They ask a simple question each week and give nestle milkmaid hampers to 5 Winners chosen randomly from those who gave the correct answer

Note : The contest will go live at around 12 noon today.
 to participate go here

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Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Click on Security Settings when the page loads > Click on edit next to Secure browsing and uncheck where it reads "Browse Facebook on a secure connection".
You can turn the setting back on once you have participated in the contest
This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 1/13/2012 11:28:00 am
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