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Home » , , » [expired]Pepsodent Christmas Offer – Spin the wheel and Get assured gifts

[expired]Pepsodent Christmas Offer – Spin the wheel and Get assured gifts

Written By Abhi Off Work on | 12/26/2011 10:26:00 am

After  Bajaj Allianz, here is another Christmas offer for you where Santa is giving lots of prizes to everyone . This is simple Spin the Wheel contest where everyone is a winner, Just spin the wheel and get assured prizes like DVD's and Vouchers as gifts from Pepsodent.

How to Get free Christmas Gift from Pepsodent

Santa Claus has come to Pepsodent and he is giving away loads of gifts. So join in and spread the Christmas Cheer.Follow the below steps and get your gift from Santa:

  1. Click here to Visit Pepsodent Facebook page
  2. Select "Santa Decides, Naughty or Nice!" from left sidebar
  3. You will be taken to a Spin the Wheel page, click on the "Spin" Button
  4. Once wheel stops spinning, click on " Claim your gift " button to see what you have won as surpriese gift
One user can spin the wheel only once and there are many exciting prizes to be won like Pepsodent picBadges, Rs.100 gift voucher,Rs.500 gift Vochers,free DVDs and lots more.
So try your luck and see what Santa has brought you this Christmas and Don't forget to let us all know by commenting below in case you win something big.
This is a post contributed to Contest mantra 12/26/2011 10:26:00 am
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